Today students considered another factor that may be causing problems for fish in Gray Area. With logging an active business in the area, some of the rivers were looking a little dirty. Students used secchi disks to determine the clarity, or turbidity, of the water in the various lakes and rivers in the area. They then examined the sediment files to understand the effects of erosion and high levels of sediments on the organisms living there.
Plant material reducing erosion. |
We also did some work in our data unit for math and students examined and evaluated different graphs and tables for recording survey results. They also created questions that could and could not be answered from these graphs. As we continue with graphing, students will be discovering effective survey questions and techniques and create their own survey tool to collect, represent, and analyze their data.
Second graders share some of their graph questions and students decide if it is answerable or unanswerable. |
Second graders also prepared for their field study next week by looking at goals, expectation, and vocabulary for the trip! Continue to practice our terms at this