Thursday, December 3, 2015

Footprint Follow-up and DNA!

Third graders spent some time today reflecting and goal setting for the new year.  I am proud of all this class has accomplished.  I can already see a lot of growth and love watching them apply the language and skills of our Habits of Mind!  

Second graders played the role of eye witness and learned that their testimonies aren't always as reliable as they think.  They practiced their skills of observation as participated in several activities looking for details and differences.

As a whole class, we also did some field study follow up looking at a crime scene as a system and sharing about our highlights and takeaways of the trip.  We mixed in some math by looking at our footprints and using them to predict our height.  Students checked their measurements to see the correlation.

Finally we practiced our close reading skills to understand DNA and its use as evidence in court. Students summarized their findings and bean creating challenge questions to face off against each other in a comprehension battle next week.

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